What's the buzz?
Kat's fast-moving second person inner-monologue made me laugh out loud! Her skewed observations and tangled rationalizations are relatable to many experiences I would rather admit not having. Annie McCubbin uses her humour and humanity to share some pertinent insights into how we can find ways to untangle our thinking and engage more meaningfully with ourselves and those around us.
I've had the absolute delight of working with Annie for over 15 years. Her professionalism, depth of knowledge and intuition has made its mark on the senior executives I work with and myself. Her capacity for critical thinking is of enormous help to those she works with.
Annie McCubbin brings a fresh, practical take with teaching skills around Leadership. Annie is a straight talker who takes the drama out of confrontational situations, and excels at not using corporate speak - massively refreshing.
Annie's writing is a gift to anyone who suspects, from time to time, that their decision-making could be contributing to the unhelpful drama in their life.
I'm all for critical thinking. I just hope Annie isn't re-evaluating her decision to marry me.
Annie's stories make you laugh, and before you know it, the world just seems to make a bit more sense. I never thought that "critical thinking" was that important to me. I now realise it's everything.
Annie's is one of the few people who can make the subject of critical thinking so relevant, so meaningful and so completely funny and entertaining.
Loved it. Funny and informative. It's a great read, on ... let's face it, what could be a very dry topic. I'll be lining up for my hard copy.
This is brilliant. The book that *HAS* to be read right now. My genuine hope is that this book is lapped up. Can’t wait to read the rest.
I've just read the first chapter and it is simply outstanding (as are the About Annie and Acknowledgements sections)!