Get your thoughts straight

Avoid the Cognitive Errors
that could Ruin Your Life


Find out what's getting in the way of enjoying
a functional relationship & fulfilling career


Annie McCubbin

Annie is committed to elevating the quality of critical thinking in business and in life, with a particular focus on helping women avoid being conned by new age nonsense and self-help platitudes.

After appearing in major theatre productions (including her naked run in Mum’s the Word) and  Australian TV dramas, Annie founded COUP – a corporate development and communication consultancy – with her husband, David.  They have pioneered skills-based training drawn from theatre practice, critical thinking and business principles, delivered to hundreds of companies across Australasia in finance, professional services, pharma, resources, telecoms, FMCG, government and the profit-for-purpose sector.

Having trained and coached thousands of women leaders, it became blindingly obvious to Annie that understanding cognitive flaws and unconscious biases can protect our lives from unwelcome drama and ruin. 

She became deeply irritated that the benefits of critical thinking are overlooked, while New-Age nonsense, and pseudoscientific health offerings are widely consumed.   So, one day, she began tapping out the story of Kat.  

Annie lives on Sydney’s Northern Beaches with her husband, their daughter, their son occasionally and their enormous Groodle.  She can be found at Code 5 gym in Brookvale most days, which gives her tacit permission to drink quite a lot of wine.

She would like it if a lot of women read this book and it made things better for them.

What's the buzz?

You ask...?

Most frequent questions and answers

Women who have jobs, relationships, cats, dogs, children, weight issues, tricky bosses, difficult direct reports. So, well, women.

The role of our buggy brains or our cognitive flaws in sending our lives careering off the rails is wildly underrated. I wanted to make it the first thing women would consider when wondering why things have gone awry.

  • Liking someone, or disliking someone on sight.
  • Ignoring red flags which the narcissist you’re involved with is waving five centimetres from your face.
  • Letting bossy people walk all over you.
  • Not speaking up in meetings because you’re worried people will think you’re stupid.
  • Believing YouTube experts and celebrities selling vitamins and crystals, instead of medical experts.
  • Doing exactly what your horoscope prescribes.   (The stars have actually moved to a different spot in the sky since horoscopes were invented.)
  • Doing paleo because everyone else is.
  • Spending big bucks on a big crystal hoping it will cleanse you.
  • Doing anything on the basis of the idea that the Universe cares what you do. 
  • Believing some a white coat, without establishing why they are wearing one. 
  • Undermining crucial vaccination programs because of something you saw on social media.
  • Refusing to change your mind to defend a previous decision.   
  • The list is endless.

You won’t be reliant on questionable help from well-meaning friends and dodgy celebrities. You’ll be able to analyse the flaws in your own thinking and correct them.

Yes.  Quickly.

I’m serious when I say that critical thinking can protect women.  The sooner they start, the better.  


First, critical thinking is a gift to all humans.  

Second, Why Smart Women make Bad Decisions will give men a unique insight into the machinations of one woman’s mind.  They may also recognise someone they know, or themselves.

Discover the power of thinking about your thinking

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