Media Training

And it's also about you

There is a set of skills that media professionals  – actors, reporters, anchors – have acquired over years of upfront, on-camera experiences.  

It is neither fair nor kind to throw someone in front of camera, a judge or a royal commission and expect that, without expert support, they will be able to bring their best thinking and communication skills to the moment.  And there are times, when personal apprehension and a skills gap is no excuse for an ineffective performance.   

Our media training helps you bring your best self to the moment.  

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What you can expect

Ours is a strength-based approach.  If you are currently holding a senior position, you have strengths we will help you access in moments of intense pressure.

You can rehearse delivering set pieces or key messages in front of camera and review the tape for what is working.

If you want to practice composure under pressure, we can push you; at all times, managing the gradient of the challenges, increasing the heat as you build confidence and the power to direct yourself.

We have an extensive toolkit for you to explore; autocue, five-point narratives, breathing and vocal techniques and camera techniques to engage the audience behind the lens.

We have a mature and intelligent approach to nuancing the performance and the script to serve your strategic aims.   We are honest, candid and practical in our feedback and direction.  

We are happy to partner with your in-house or partner communication consultants and trusted advisors.   Our approach is logical, transparent and inclusive.  

We can write highly customised speeches and presentations in your vocabulary and tone of voice.  We can design the visual aids – PowerPoints and Keynotes – and even produce the video from end-to-end.  We will shoot is where you want it, when you want it and how you want it.  While the messages will be directed towards achieving something specific and valuable in your target audience, the way we elevate your performance is all about you.   

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How can we help?

Start the conversation by letting us know the background to your forthcoming “appearance”.  Describe your context, what you are aiming to achieve and why this is important.  What is at stake?

Clearly, key dates will influence the timing of support sessions.  Please include these if you can.  

Include anything else you want us to know, including how best to contact you.

Or simply add your name and email and we will get back to you within 48 hours.

Your information will not be shared with anyone, ever.  Please see our Privacy Policy for more detail.

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