Executive Coaching

Impact and Influence

We support C-suite leaders and senior executives to have stronger impact and influence in key relationships; with the board, the exec team, employees, customers, partners, sponsors, the media and the market.

  • Increased PERSONAL PRESENCE, gravitas and authority
  • Increased EXECUTIVE INTELLECT; the quality thinking that transcends social norms, cognitive biases and fallacious logic
  • Purposeful STORYTELLING, across a range of thinking styles
  • Persuasive ARGUMENT that shifts perceptions of what is and what is possible.

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What you can expect

We take a strength-based approach to executive development, employing a high level of appreciative enquiry to identify and build on innate strengths. However, once levels of trust deepen, we employ fearless candour where we determine precise and specific feedback will trigger a lift in performance.

We teach a METHOD; a combination of practical insights, skills and practices that an executive can install into their personal leadership and communication methodology.

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What you can expect

We generally focus on four competencies:-

  • COMPOSURE – remaining calm, connected and grounded when under pressure
  • COGNITION – accurately seeing the environment, avoiding biases and fallacious thinking, creating meaning and making good decisions
  • COMMUNICATION – creating awareness, understanding and belief
  • COLLABORATION – leading, focusing and enabling the intelligence and activity of teams.

Our coaching methodology is practical and action-oriented. The process employs cycles of:-

  • Action and observation
  • Reflection and interpretation
  • Insight and explanation
  • Learning skills and tools.

Each program will be tailored to fit the profile and availability of the executive.   We offer face-to-face or skype sessions complemented by self-paced online learning.

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How can we help?

Start the conversation by helping us understand your objectives.  Describe your context, what you are aiming to achieve and why this is important.  

Include anything else you want us to know, including how best to contact you.

Or simply add your name and email and we will get back to you within 48 hours.

Your information will not be shared with anyone, ever.  Please see our Privacy Policy for more detail.

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