Cut the Drama

We are talking about the unhelpful drama.

From the Drama that wastes energy or slows things down, to the Dramas that wreck relationships,
kill productivity and result in costly legal battles, or worse.  People can be irrational and erratic, yet as a species,  there are predictable causes and reliable antidotes. 

Put the collective insights of 3000 years of dramatic art to work.  

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Drama Arises

When people lose their COMPOSURE

In the absence of effective COGNITION

When people lack the necessary COMMUNICATION skills

When COLLABORATION is motherhood statement; not a competency 

Performance Drops

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Drama Subsides

When people maintain their COMPOSURE

Apply effective COGNITION

COMMUNICATE with impact and influence

COLLABORATE with respect, courage and authenticity

Performance Lifts

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To Cut the Drama

Build the COMPETENCY of people:-





Provide the ENVIRONMENT to perform:-

Clear Vision and Purpose

Constructive Culture

Structures and Systems

Authority and Accountability

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Four Competencies

What is the link between COMPETENCIES and ACHIEVEMENT?

Our work is an opportunity to operate at a higher level by exploring some of the most valuable human competencies through a new lens; learning new ways of thinking about common situations, seeing more possibility and perhaps a better way of going about the achieving the things that you want to achieve.  

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The Four Core Competencies

Get these right and everything follows

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The Four Core Competencies

Underpinning your better performances will be your abilities:-

  • To be calm under pressure
  • To think clearly and accurately
  • To be effective and impactful with your communication
  • To play your role as a leader or member of a high performing team.

It doesn't happen by magic. 

Master these four core competencies to take your performance to another level.

We offer development experiences in the form of executive coaching, group training and online learning.

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The Four Core Competencies


The power and ability to remain calm, connected and grounded when under pressure. 


Accurately seeing the environment, avoiding biases and fallacious thinking, creating meaning and making good decisions.


Creating awareness, understanding and belief.


Leading, focusing and enabling the intelligence and activity of teams.

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